Showing posts with label quotable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quotable. Show all posts

27 March 2009

Quote of the day

If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, 
how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice? 

-- David Livingstone

I'm so over-ready for spring. Here are a few shots from this week. . .

09 March 2009

Quote of the day

All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt!

Lucy Van Pelt (in Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz)

Sorry I haven't been around lately. The flu has come to our house. And it's hit us rather hard. It started out with two children, and then a third. Then my sweet Mama got it (she and Dad were staying in our home while Dad preached/taught at our church-- on relationships). Then I got it and then two little boys got it. So far my dear husband is the only one in the house who hasn't caught the bug yet. It's been fever and achy-ness, followed by a nasty cough and head cold. This too shall pass. . .

27 January 2009

Five-year-old Funny

We were driving Pennsylvania's hilly, cow-path roads the other evening. Five year old big brother shouted from the back seat of the Suburban "Faster, Papa!! Faster!" We were following friends en route to their home after a Sunday evening service and keeping up with them on country road unfamiliar to us was great fun. Then came the quotable quote of the entire evening. From the same 5 year old.

"These roads make my blood container go up and down!" he shouted. 

Do you suppose he meant his heart?
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