You see, I've been using this strange conglomeration of plates for several years now. So many of them have broken and the rest are chipped. And I've been ready to switch them out for something new. Or at least new to me.
I've shopped online. I drooled at IKEA. I even picked out the set of dishes I wanted. At IKEA.
But IKEA is far away from me. Very far. Too far to drive for dishes.
Today I felt compelled to visit yard sales the town nearest me. You must understand, I dearly love yard sales, but rarely do I make myself get up early on a Saturday morning to yard sale.
So off I went. On my drive out our 1/2 mile driveway I prayed and asked God for white dishes.
Immediately I thought, what are the chances of finding white dishes at a yard sale?!? No one is going to be selling white dishes at a yard sale. And Lord, son one also needs jeans.
Yard sale #1. I looked through bins of boys clothing. Stained and expensive. Then I walked toward the back of the yard. There on a small table were {drumroll, please} white dishes! Lots of white dishes. Twelve dinner plates. Twenty two luncheon plates. Twenty three bowls. Ten mugs. Yes, I know it's an odd assortment. But it was the white dishes I'd asked for. For ten bucks.
Yard sale #2 was where I found the 2 pair of nearly new Wrangler jeans for son one.
And now you know why I think God likes white dishes.
(Yes, I started this post several weeks ago and here it is finally. My sincere apologies to those sweet friends who keep checking back for something new. I wish I could tell you how much I'd love to blog every single day. But I'm not supermom. Maybe someday it will happen. For now, I'm a sometimes blogger. )