02 February 2009

"And suddenly!!"

Tristen has been telling stories lately. I mean “story”. Singular. He pretty much has only one story. And every time he tells it, it begins the same way.

“And suddenly. . .”

The story varies only slightly from time to time. Some things are always the same. It always has a bear coming out of the woods. And Papa always has a gun to shoot the bear.

“And suddenly. . .”

I think God likes “and suddenly” too. He can work in what looks like complete darkness to me “and suddenly!!!” Viola!! Look at what God did!! Or He can work for years. . . “and suddenly!!” Wow! What a God!

Perhaps God’s “and suddenlys” aren’t really “sudden” at all. As John Piper says, “In every situation, God is always doing a thousand different things that you cannot see and you do not know."

I’d sure like to have an “and suddenly” this week. There are places in my life that have been shrouded in darkness. God has been working there for years. I know He’s doing “a thousand different things”, but I sure can’t see them.

Patience is a virtue. And like a friend reminded us once, wait is a four letter word after all.

Two truths come to mind:

“His divine power has given us EVERYTHING we need for life and godliness. . .” II Peter 1:3


“I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” Ps. 86:12

God’s goal in every “and suddenly” is to bring glory to Himself. But He will also provide everything we need to wait for the “and suddenly”.


Lynne Burkholder said...

We are kindred! 2 Peter 1:3 is my all time favorite!
John Piper rocks! And your insight resonates.
"And Suddenly" God pulls all the loose ends together. When we are followers, good followers we are busy eating in His green pastures and resting beside still waters so we are taken by surprise when He starts moving again. But when are trying to look beyond him then we don't have those "sudden" moments. That's no fun, I like surprises-the solutions out of the blue when you least expect them, the eleventh hour answers.

Patience is an understanding of the insignificance of circumstances dictating our responses and perspective.

Good stuff. Thanks for the moment to ponder. Now I have to get to work! :)

Kristine said...

sister. you just made my, already good day. perfect. "and suddenly" God cleared my head on Sunday! it happens. its true. there is more clearing to happen, but I know He's "on it" for both of us. hang tight, VIOLA is right around the corner. loves!

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