14 February 2008

Cookie Day!

I mixed the dough and chilled it several hours so it was ready for rolling out and cutting.
I rolled the dough out and let the girls cut out the cookies.
Tobin tried to have a nap, but ended up joining us part way through the decorating process.
The girls love being creative with their cookies. I did have to put a limit on how many decorations could go on a single cookies. There were times you had doubts about there really being a cookie underneath all the red hots, white chocolate chips and multi-colored sprinkles!
Oh yes. We did decorate with a few conversation hearts as well. 

And besides all that, they are really yummy cookies. Even Papa said so. And he isn't a huge fan of plain old sugar cookies. I think it was because I substituted the vanilla for almond flavoring.

 He says it's my Asian influence. 


Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a grand ol' time! They look yummy! Shall I pay you a visit and see if they actually are? :)
Hugs to you all!

Mary Sue said...

Aww - so sweet! Happy Valentine's Day, guys!

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