24 February 2008

Speak the Truth

"Lo, I say unto you, be not intimidated by anyone, but speak forth My Word, even as I give it unto you.

You have written freely and fearlessly. Now speak in the same way. Your spoken word must be brought into conformity with the work I have done within you. This you need for your own personal sense of unity. This you need for your own strength. For the house divided against itself cannot stand; neither can you so long as you bear one testimony in your heart and another with your lips.

You are not pleasing Me, but trying to please men. They will detect the inconsistency in spite of your best efforts, for in one way or another, the truth will break through. You need not say all that is in your heart, but you must either speak the truth or be silent. If you cannot bring yourself to speak the truth without apology, then speak nothing.

Let the life and witness of Jesus Christ be your guide. If you are willing to attempt to emulate His honesty, I will come to your aid and give you the wisdom also; so that the answer may be not only true, but forceful. For you wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the unseen opposition of satanic forces. 

I will be with you and keep your mouth. Trust Me." 

Frances J. Roberts in "Come Away My Beloved"

1 comment:

Mary Sue said...

Carol, this is so great! I really enjoy reading your blog -- I should look into reading that book.

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